It was the summer of 1980 when we took our first big family trip. We were not one of those families that took vacations to places like Florida or out west. We only went on one or two in my childhood / teen years. We did more day trips — hiking, visiting local or close-by…
Growing Up Rural: Cabinet Maker
When I was a kid, I was helping Dad and Papa remodel the house next door to my grandparents who lived at the top of a hill on Caroline Street. (They lived “down in the city,” which seemed huge to me as I was from the country.) The house next door was a two-story, two-family…
Thirty Five
23 years ago I met a 12 year-old kid named Robert who helped me move from Winona Lake to Osceola. He told me about his life on the hour long ride back to Osceola, and I was like… uhhhh is this true? It was a wild story, but very true. As I got to know…
Time, Truth, and Fruit
“Time, Truth, and Fruit never lie.” — Bob Deering If you have been around Voice Ministries for any length of time, you have probably heard Bob say this maxim many times. It’s one of those certainties of life that is borne out in evidence. These terms defined: Time – The measure period in which an action, process…